Kingwood Plumbing Pipes

Plumbing pipes run all throughout your home, keeping dishwashers, sinks, laundry facilities, showers and toilets running properly year after year so you and your family can enjoy the simple amenities that plumbing has to offer. Most of the times these small luxuries are taken for granted as they are used every single day over and over again. Only when something goes wrong, do we sorely miss a warm shower or appreciate the absence of any type of leak that may be occurring. Broken or poorly functioning plumbing can cause quite an inconvenience to your daily routines. Believe it or not, what your pipes are made of can make a big difference in the longevity of their life. What your pipes are made of can affect your whole plumbing system and could be the difference between getting years and years of use versus having to make costly repairs and replacements sooner than you had intended.

Lead Pipes

Purchasing an older home can be an exciting venture, restoring it to its original classic look. Many home buyers enjoy the challenge of larger repairs and putting their own touch on a vintage style. If you have purchased a home that was built before 1930, chances are the pipes in your home are made of lead. Lead pipes pose certain risks than others, as they have been known to leak dangerous contaminants into your drinking water. If you do in fact have lead pipes in your home, it is important to take a sample of your water and have it tested for any traces of high levels of lead. Lead pipes can be kept if you install a lead filtration system. If not, then seriously think about entirely replacing your pipes.

Steel Pipes

The great thing about steel pipes is that they are strong and sturdy, and can last quite a long time. However, eventually your steel pipes will begin to rust. Rusted steel pipes can degrade the quality of your water and potentially block your plumbing system. This can cause costly repairs, as steel pipes are one of the more expensive plumbing options.

Modern Copper, PVC & PEX Pipes

Some of the more common and reliable materials used for piping today are copper, PVC pipes and PEX pipes. Copper is a light and smaller pipe that is easy to work with and lasts for decades. Copper does have a higher cost and if exposed to dramatic temperature changes, can potentially leak. PVC and PEX pipes are durable and reliable plastic based piping systems that can be easily replaced at very little cost. Orsack Plumbing Company is familiar with all types of plumbing material for piping. If you are experiencing a leak or block in your pipes, contact Orsack Plumbing Company to fix your pipes and keep your plumbing running smoothly and properly.

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