Awful Smell? Could be your Sewer Lines!

What is that awful smell? Well it could be a problem with your sewer lines. The sewer lines that run through and around your home are usually not anything that most people even think about. Most people have had some small issues that are usually taken care of with little to no thought at all. If you have become victim to a larger sewer issue then you know what it takes to clean up and repair it. It can be quite a large process and can take a lot of time out of your life. Calling a professional plumber like Orsack Plumbing can give you peace of mind that the issue will handle in the most professional way possible.

When Professional Sewer Repairs are Needed

What are some sewer disasters that you may need professional services to take care of? Here are several of the main issues that can cause the need to have sewer repairs done professionally.

Major Clog – This is exactly what you think it is. A small clog can be taken care of by most homeowners and can be a problem that doesn’t usually cause much concern. When this becomes an issue that a professional needs to be called is when the main line gets clogged with dirt or paper products and your sewer system can no longer function effectively.

Frozen Pipes – A lot of people will think about covering their outdoor pipes when the temperature drops below freezing, but there is nothing you can do for underground piping. This is mostly a concern when a home is not used year round and the water and sewer is not moving. A pipe can burst when the water freezes and expands.

Obstructions – This can include outdoor landscaping that is part of your yard or even a part of a neighbor’s yard. The roots for trees grow and go whatever direction they choose so they can cross the path of your sewer lines quite easily. This can cause the lines to rupture and cause the sewer to leak. This would require professional services from a dependable company like Orsack Plumbing.

Grease – Some people have never been told and have no idea that pouring grease down a drain or a toilet can cause some major sewer back ups. Some of the items that should never be poured down a drain or toilet are grease from cooking and oils. When they are poured down it usually begins to stick to the sides of the pipes and build up quickly. After they begin to build up, other fragments will stick to the grease and will begin to cause the pipes to back up and drain slowly.

Calling a professional when any of these problems occur can save you time and money. If not treated and repaired quickly these issues can get worse and worse. Call Orsack Plumbing today!

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