Clearing up Magnolia Plumbing Myths

Sometimes you do things because you heard that someone else does it. Well do you actually know that someone who you are copying and more importantly – do you even know if it works? These misconceptions can lead to people making detrimental decisions on bad information. One area in your life that this can lead to bigger problems is with your plumbing. Here are a few myths that you may have heard and if there is any truth to them.

You can save water by placing a brick in the tank of your toilet

– Well this is true and the brick can displace some of the water that would usually be used, but the brick will begin to breakdown and can cause damage to other parts of the tank. It is also possible that the brick will displace too much of the water and possibly make it so that you have to flush more often to clean out the toilet.

Lemon Peels can freshen up your garbage disposal

– This can allow the disposal to smell more lemony but the peels can get stuck in the disposal and make it so that you may need to have it cleared or even repaired. A better option to freshen up a disposal would be to add some vinegar to the sink and run the disposal.

To sharpen the blades of the disposal just run some ice cubes through

– This is actually not true at all. The ice cubes do not sharpen the blades but they do clear the blades fairly easily. It is a good decision to run some ice cubes through every few months or whenever the disposal starts to smell.

A small drip from a faucet is not a big deal

– Well if you like to waste money than this is true. If you are like the majority of Americans, you don’t throw money away so you should have a leaky faucet fixed immediately. It may seem minuscule but that leak leads to over 1 trillion gallons of wasted water every year. This also means that your water bill will be higher, so having a small drip fixed now can help you and the environment.

The water in a toilet flushes opposite on the other side of the world

– This is a good one but it is also not true. Water as a larger body would flow different depending on the side of the hemisphere that you are on, but when it comes to something small like a toilet the way that it flushes actually depends on the design of the toilet itself.

If you have any other plumbing questions or need expert plumbing service in Montgomery and Harris Counties, call Orsack Plumbing for a free consultation.

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