Water Pressure Woes in The Woodlands

Home owners love a shower that has a high amount of water pressure. “I wish had less water pressure”, said no one ever. Everyone loves as much water pressure as they can possibly get running through the pipes of their home. There is a large number of people that feel they do not have enough water pressure in their home, or an inadequate amount of pressure in their shower, kitchen or even outdoor hose or sprinklers. While these are common thoughts and feelings that float around for most home owners, there is an important item that you may want to consider installing in your home and that is a pressure reducing valve. Yes, this will actually reduce the water pressure in your home, so why would you want to do that? There are many reasons that will benefit the quality of your home and help you protect yourself from costly and unexpected expenses.

Too High Water Pressure

If the water pressure in your home is extremely high, this will potentially ruin your appliances that are in your home. Water heaters, dishwashers, water softeners and washing machines can get worn down at a much faster rate if high water pressure is being pumped through them rather than an appropriate amount of pressure, still getting the job done. Appliances can get very costly, saving money for the best possible dishwasher or water heater is an important purchase for home owners. However, if you find out that the high water pressure in your home is diminishing the value of your newly bought high end appliances, you may want to reconsider the high water pressure.

Water Pressure Balancing Act

When showering, no one wants a trickling faucet that is barely dripping out any water. Shower fixtures can get pricey, so it is important to find the right balance between your water pressure and your budget. Reducing your water pressure will extend the life of your water fixtures. You can still have a nice shower with adequate water pressure that will not ruin any of your fixtures, it is just necessary to find the appropriate balance.

Most homeowners think they know if their water pressure is too low, just right or even too high. It is a good idea to have a professional plumber come in and check the pressure of water that is flowing through your home. If you think there may be a problem, contact Orsack Plumbing today. Orsack Plumbing Company is a professional plumbing company that will regulate your water pressure at an appropriate level, giving you the water pressure you desire without ruining any of your appliances and keeping your water costs as low as possible.

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