Clearing Clogged Drains in Conroe

Unfortunately, most home owners are familiar with clogged drains, whether it be standing in the shower and having the water puddle up around your feet rather than going down the drain, or doing the dishes and having the kitchen sink continue to fill up with dirty water, even when the plug is not put in. A clogged drain is a headache for home owners to deal with and takes time, money and effort to repair. With some determination and a little know how, most home owners can fix a clogged drain without the help of a professional plumbing company.

Drain Cleaning Products & Methods

Chemically enhanced cleaning products for unclogging drains are pushed on consumers along with the fact that they are safe and will destroy any clog that you have, whether it be in your bathroom or kitchen. But the fact is that these chemicals can have a very negative impact on your plumbing. Over time, these products can corrode your pipes, causing you a much bigger problem than just a clogged drain. Instead of using powerful chemical products there are a few things you can do yourself to unclog the drain. Sometimes all your drain needs is some very hot water to clear the path that is being blocked. Pouring extremely hot water down your drain can clear the way and get rid of the clog you have. Be careful not to burn yourself during this process. Another way to unclog a drain at home is to use vinegar and baking soda. Using equal parts vinegar and baking soda will cause a heavy foam, and with luck this foam will dislodge whatever it is that is blocking your drain. A plunger is often thought of as only a tool for a toilet clog, however plungers can also help you out with other types of drain clogs. Plungers can be quite useful in sinks and bathtubs. Always make sure there is standing water over the drain so suction can be created.

Manually Unclogging Drains

If none of these options end up working out for you, it is time to roll up your sleeves and go after the clog in your drain manually. Using a drain snake or a tool that can bend its way through your pipes will allow you to reach the blockage in your drain. This method is very effective and will most likely unclog your drain quickly. If you are still having trouble unclogging your drain, then it may be time to call in a professional. Contact Orsack Plumbing Company for all of your plumbing needs; we have all of the proper tools to unclog your drains quickly and effectively.

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