How Do You Know if You have a Broken Sewer Pipe in Conroe, TX? Smell Like Gas, Slow Drains & More

Are you having clogged drains or bad smells coming from the drain in your home? Wondering what it could be? There could be many reasons why you are having water problems, but how do you know if it has to do with your sewer? M&C Orsack Plumbing Contractor wants to help you understand the signs that a sewer line may be broken.

Why is Every Drain in My Home Slow?

One drain being clogged isn’t as big of a problem and can usually be fixed pretty easily. If you are having multiple drains in your home that are draining slow or clogged that can be a bigger problem. If there is a broken sewer line somewhere it can make water move slower. It can then start to back up in the pipes causing problems with all your drains.

Can Blocked Drains Smell Like Gas?

Are you smelling something different coming from your drain? Your drain should not have a smell coming from it. But if there is a smell and it smells like a gassy smell or just any other weird odor from your drain. This could be toxic sewer gas that you are smelling. If you are smelling that, call a professional to come and check it out. You should never have a weird gas smell coming from your drains.

Can Rodents & Bugs Live in Drains?

Pests can be gross and such a pain. You don’t want to see them in your home. Did you know that rodents often live in sewers? They can enter your home through cracks in the sewer line. When insects see a cracked drainpipe, they see it as the ideal breeding ground as a result of stagnant water. If you know or suspect that you have a cracked sewer line, get it fixed as soon as you can. You don’t want to have a pest infestation in your pipes and your home.

How to Tell if Sewer Pipe is Leaking in Yard

Have you noticed that your lawn has become really lush and green? If you haven’t changed anything you have been doing to your lawn, there is a chance you could have a broken sewer line. It does this to your grass because it gets water and nutrients from the broken sewer line. It acts as an excellent fertilizer. It might look great for a while but not in the long run. Over time toxins can build up in your soil and leech to the surface.

Emergency Plumbing Repairs, Fixture Installations & More in Spring, The Woodlands, Magnolia, Montgomery & Conroe Texas

You do not want to let a broken sewer line go unfixed. It can cause more damage than just multiple clogged drains. But if you have many clogged drains in your home that can’t seem to be fixed, call M&C Orsack Plumbing Contractor. We can come out and check out your drains, the smells, or any other concern you might have about your sewer system. We will also make sure it is not a broken sewer line. If it is discovered that a sewer line is broken, we are happy to fix that for you so you will not have further damage.

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